
How to complete the WoW Repeat After Me quest | PC Gamer - lemingconereven

How to complete the Repeat Afterwards ME quest in Shadowlands

WoW Repeat After Me quest
(Image credit: Blizzard)

Stuck trying to puzzle out what you need to serve for the WoW Repetition After Me bespeak? If you're working your way towards level 60—or even if you'ray already there and clearing up your quest log—you may embody wondering what you need to do OR where you need to go in Order to complete this quest.

The quest is picked up in Maldraxxus, the zone you're sent to after completing the Bastion story press. It's united of the side quests there so is easily missed but if you've stumbled up Ta'eran, the quest giver and are left wondering what to do, show on to find out how to dead the Scream Repeat After Me pursuit.

How to complete the WoW Repeat After ME call for

Tantalum'eran is the NPC that gives you this bay and He's settled northwest of the Dramatic art of Pain. The best quest he gives you requires you to follow him and when he reaches his inexperient location, you'll be able to gather up Repeat After Me.

Once you pick up the quest, you'll see a marker on the map. Question all over towards it and look for a cave—the entrance is quite small. You'll discover a runestone inner and you can click this to read IT. IT tells you that "supplicants must kneel in tribute" so do so aside typing '/kneel' and the quest enemy will spawn. Kill it and move connected to the next location scarred along the map.

Once there, you might be tempted to butt against the important undermine entrance you find present. Don't. As an alternative look to the green pool to the left of the trance to find some other runestone. This one tells you that "you must bleed for Maldraxxus". With the runestone targeted, type '/bleed' and the foe you're afterward will spawn. Take this one stunned and move along.

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WoW Repeat After Me

Repeat After Pine Tree State quest location (Image credit: Blizzard)

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WoW Repeat After Me

First cave entrance (Image credit: Blizzard)

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WoW Repeat After Me

First runestone (Image credit: Blizzard)

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WoW Repeat After Me

Secondly runestone location (Image credit: Snowstorm)

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WoW Repeat After Me

Ordinal runestone textual matter (Visualise credit: Blizzard)

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WoW Repeat After Me

Third runestone cave captivate (Paradigm credit: Blizzard)

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WoW Repeat After Me

Third runestone (Image credit: Snowstorm)

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WoW Repeat After Me

Quarter runestone location (Mental image credit: Blizzard)

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WoW Repeat After Me

4th runestone text (Image credit: Blizzard)

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WoW Repeat After Me

5th runestone undermine entrance (Fancy credit: Blizzard)

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WoW Repeat After Me

Fifth runestone text (Epitome credit: Blizzard)

You're looking for some other cave entrance here. Again, get through on the runestone located within to read "We salute those who rise in a higher place the masses." So type '/salute' and again, the quest enemy will spawn. Kill IT and head to the next location on your map.

You'll recover another runestone here, proscribed in the open this sentence. This ane reads "Our strength shall be flexed in battle." I'm sure you're getting the approximation now but type '/flex' to make the quest enemy spawn then dispatch IT. Now head to the last marking.

The cave beguile you're superficial for is pretty untrustworthy to smudge. Look for the Green with the waterfall at the top. There's a small waterfall a little further downcast and the undermine entrance is set in the cornerstone of Capitol Hill, just to the rightmost of that. The live runestone says "the skillful fire sneak past their foes unseen" so type '/sneak' while targeting the runestone to spawn this enemy and kill it.

You can right away return to Ta'eran to helping hand in the WoW Repeat After Me quest.

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Sarah's earliest gaming memories involve playacting Jet Countersink Willy on the ZX Spectrum at a protagonist's house. These days, and when not writing guides, almost of her spare time goes into MMOs—though she's quite partial to JRPGs too. She has spent often of the last decade playing the likes of Star Wars: The Old Democracy, Yamalt, Final Fantasy 14, and World of Warcraft. Sarah has been writing about games for some years and, before joining PC Gamer, freelanced for the like TechRadar, GamingBible, and Rock Paper Scattergun. One of her fondest hopes is to one day play through the ending of Closing Fantasise X without breaking down into a sob heap. She probably has more wolves in Valheim than you.


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