
How To Remove Icy Hot Patch From Skin

Chattanooga, TNWhile Chattem Inc. of Tennessee was collecting agin reaction reports apropos serious burns relating to the use of its Icy Hot Patch products, consumers were enduring horrendous events that landed some in hospital.

Ane woman complained that subsequently applying the Icy Hot Back patch for back pain, information technology took her a full ten minutes of slow peeling to get it off. Afterwards, getting in the shower and experiencing what amounted to excruciating pain once the water tumbled from the showerhead and hit her back, did she realize that the patch had removed a slice of her skin along with it. The woman now has a permanent scar on her back from the injury.

Back PainThe Icy Hot Patch family unit is a collection of air-activated patches that retail in a red pouch. Once removed, the chemicals within the patch are activated. Upon securing the patch onto the affected area, the chemicals within the product go to work—outset to cool the affected area, then heat to further soothe the musculus. Adhesive is used to secure the patch in identify, and the product is to be worn for no more than than eight hours at a time.

However, information technology was plant that the patch proved too hot for some—especially for those with sensitive skin, such as the elderly, or consumers who inadvertently fall comatose or apply a heating pad, which tin exacerbate the situation. The manufacturer has since issued production usage updates regarding those issues and has recommended that the product non be used by anyone over 55 years of age. However, the warnings came besides late for some.

And for those who suffered offset, 2nd and tertiary-caste burns when the patch heated up too much, removing the patch has proven an excruciating claiming given the robust adhesive used to anchor the patch in place. With healthy skin, removal of a large patch such as the Icy Hot Back Patch would prove unpleasant at best. However, when injured skin is brought into the mix, removal of the patch has been known to further irritate, impairment or fifty-fifty remove sensitive or injured skin, to the betoken of hellish hurting.

One middle-aged homo writes that he had been using Icy Hot foam for ii years
and had been pleased with the product. "So when (the Icy Hot Patch) came out I thought 'bang-up!' I purchased them and applied one to my shoulder but equally directed. I do non have delicate skin and I am but 58 years old. When I tried to remove the patch information technology wouldn't come up off hands. I very slowly tried to peel it away from my peel. When information technology did come off it took the size of a silver dollar's worth of peel along with information technology."

After three days the affected area finally began to heal.

"Would I use this product again?" he asks. "NO Style! In fact I will never use whatever of their products again and will tell everyone I know most it. I work in a hospital and see a lot of people daily. I can't imagine what this patch would practice to our seniors who have delicate skin to begin with."

As indicated above, the manufacturer's warnings and usage updates came too late for this consumer. However, Chattem was warned equally far back equally March of last year that the Icy Hot Patches were a trouble, after a young Texas boy wound up with serious leg burns after using the patch. His caring mother immediately notified the visitor, hoping to spare anyone else the hurting and discomfort that her son had gone through. And yet, the visitor allegedly waited well-nigh a full year before finally triggering a voluntary recall on a product that was negatively affecting so many consumers. About 200 adverse reaction reports had come in, earlier the company reacted.

Even when used equally directed, sometimes things can become wrong. One human being writes that an acquaintance had used an Icy Hot Back patch on his lower back, for back pain. While it is non known if he had whatsoever problems with the pare under the patch, the issue for this gentleman became the unfortunate leakage of the active ingredient from the patch, which trickled down into the extremely sensitive expanse between his buttocks.

Anyone who has whatsoever experience with Icy Hot cream, or whatever other production of that ilk, will know what happens when you inadvertently get any of it within your under regions. The pain can be excruciating. This poor fellow wound upward in the ER of his local infirmary with nasty burns the size of silver dollars inside his cheeks.

He's talking to an attorney…

How To Remove Icy Hot Patch From Skin,


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