
How To Remove Evil Spell

Question: Can energy be used in a negative manner, for example to practise black magic?

What is Blackness Magic ?

Sadhguru: You demand to empathise that energy is just free energy; it is neither divine nor is it evil. You can brand anything – a god or a devil – out of it. It is like electricity. Is electricity the divine or the devil? When it is lighting your house, it is the divine. If it becomes an electric chair, information technology is the devil. It just depends on who is operating it at that moment.

Really, five grand years ago, Arjuna asked Krishna the same question, "If yous are proverb everything is the same energy and everything is divine if information technology is the aforementioned godhood which exists in Duryodhana, why is he functioning similar this?" Krishna laughed, because later all the teaching, Arjuna was nevertheless coming back to this simple, basic, artless question. Krishna replied, "God is Nirguna, the divine is Nirguna. He has no attributes of his own." That means information technology is just pure energy. Yous can make anything out of information technology. The tiger that comes to eat you also has the same energy, a god that may come and save y'all also has the same free energy. They are just functioning in dissimilar ways. When you lot are driving your car, is it good or bad? It can make your life or take your life any moment, isn't it?

Then can people practice black magic? Definitely they tin can. If positive uses are there, negative uses are also there. One Veda, the Atharvana Veda is dedicated to the employ of energies for both positive and negative. But what I have seen is, virtually of the fourth dimension these things are psychological. A little scrap of it may be there, but the rest of information technology is your own mind driving you crazy. If I want to drive you crazy, I do not have to exercise whatsoever bodily blackness magic. Tomorrow forenoon when you come out of your house, suppose there is a skull and some blood all over the identify, once you lot see this, that'south it! You volition get sick, your business will become bad, everything negative volition happen to you considering of a certain fright grips you. No black magic has been washed. Just certain symbols which betoken that this seems to exist some kind of black magic will destroy your mind. So virtually of the fourth dimension, information technology is just psychological. Even if black magic is done to you, simply ten percent may be the real thing. The rest of it is you destroying yourself. That is why information technology comes with symbolism. They understood the bear upon of your ain psychology on you. One time that symbolism is created, you lot just destroy yourself.


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How to Remove Blackness Magic?

But yep, there is a science where one tin can employ their energies negatively to cause impairment to somebody else. What is the protection? One thing is, if yous are on spiritual sadhana, you lot need not carp nearly all those things. Y'all need not even think about those things. Some other manner is, yous can habiliment certain protections like a rudraksha , which is like protection against any kind of negativity. Only y'all demand non worry near such things. Just keep your focus in life and proceed going. If you are in sadhana, yous just don't bother; information technology volition be taken care of.

The Dhyanalinga

Dhyanalinga - In Search of Shiva

If you have been under such influences, you tin can come and sit in the sphere of the Dhyanalinga, considering at that place are sure dimensions to the Dhyanalinga which nullify all this. If you fright that something like this has been done to you, sit there for only ane day and go. Information technology gets taken intendance of. Just information technology is better that you lot non pay attending to those things because your mind does more than "black magic" to you lot than anybody else can.

There are the Vanashree and Patanjali shrines at the entrance of the  Dhyanalinga. They are in the space of a xv-caste angle from the Dhyanalinga. That's why they are located at that point. Otherwise, architecturally, I would have liked to locate them much closer. Generally, people who are possessed by some spirits or who are impacted by the occult and such problems are asked to sit either in a frontward fifteen-degree bending or a rear side xv-caste angle, depending upon the blazon of trouble that they accept.

That space has been especially created similar that so that people can make use of it. Whether you're enlightened of it or not, the negative use of free energy like black magic and others is there. The fifteen-degree bending is where the doorway is. Whether you know it or non, everyone who enters just drops the negative influences they are carrying. In that location have been thousands who have dropped such influences. That's why people who have been to the Dhyanalinga  observe that suddenly life has changed for them. This is because the negative impacts on their life have dropped.

When we say 'negative impacts', information technology's non necessarily in terms of somebody doing something negative to you. In so many ways, yous could have merely taken in some negativity. Encounter, it's not necessary that somebody should poison fruit and give it to you. The fruit might have some natural poison in it, which enters my body when I swallow it. Similarly, the negative aspects of life tin enter you in so many ways. Information technology is non necessary that somebody is sitting there and plotting confronting yous. So the entrance of the Dhyanalinga, the first fifteen-degree angle, is created for this purpose, and before people seek anything else, these things are simply taken care of. They just have to walk in that space, almost sixty or lxx anxiety, and that by itself takes care of these negativities.

Editor's Note: "Mystic'due south Musings" includes more of Sadhguru'due south insights on the human energy system. Read the free sample or purchase the ebook.


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