How to Install Precut Taillight Tints

Precut tail low-cal tints are the perfect style to upgrade, protect and restyle your vehicle's taillights. Precut to fit your year, make, model and sub-model and sold equally a pair, they are the ideal way to do-information technology-yourself and save.

Recommended Tools

  1. Rapid Prep
  2. Rapid Tac
  3. Rapid Clear
  4. Squeegee
  5. Razor Blade
  6. Oestrus Gun or Hair Dryer

Installation Tips

Bullet Ideal application temperature range is between 70º to 80º F (21º to 27º C).
Bullet When possible, turn on your lights to help increase the surface temperature.
Bullet Surfaces must be clean and dry prior to awarding.
Bullet When removing precut smoked tint pieces from the backing it is best to continuously spray both sides of the motion-picture show with an awarding fluid such as Rapid Tac or a ten:1 water to mild soap solution to prevent premature adhesion of the kit to itself.
Bullet Clean your areas thoroughly with a solution such as Rapid Prep.
Bullet Use masking tape to test for adhesion.
Bullet If masking tape curls upwards and falls off you need to keep cleaning.
Bullet Do not apply during periods of high relative humidity (i.e., when it's raining).
Bullet Practise not curve vinyl film dorsum and forth equally this causes the adhesive to contraction when applying.

Clean Taillights

Step 1: Preparation and Cleaning

We hate to say it merely your taillight tint task will just be as skillful every bit your cleaning and training. That's why it is of the utmost importance to remove all grit, oil and residues not merely from the windows but from the surrounding panels and fifty-fifty the expanse in which you'll be tinting.

Begin by cleaning the your taillight housing, the lens and the surrounding areas. For proper adhesion, make clean all surfaces using a two:1 mixture of h2o to isopropyl alcohol or Rapid Prep.

Note: Prior to cleaning test solution in an inconspicuous area. Apply a make clean, lint-free cloth to cleanse the application surface area. Insure the lens is dry and all oils and residues have been removed prior to application. A practiced examination is to see if masking tape will stick to the application surface, if it sticks and so the surface is ready for application. If it does not stick then further cleaning may exist necessary.

Spray and Lubricate Taillights

Step ii: Spray and Lubricate Lenses

Spray a liberal corporeality of the Rapid Tac onto the light which will let you to reposition the film during the application process. Be certain to include gaskets and trim effectually the lights equally well.

Peel Liner Away from Tail Light Covers

Step iii: Remove Liner

As always, mist your fingers, and spray the Rapid Tac on the tint as well.

In order to  remove the tint from the liner, advisedly and slowly lift a corner and brainstorm to pare the liner. Spray both sides of the tint with application fluid. This will let you to reposition the picture show on the light every bit well as preventing the tint from sticking to itself.

Alight and Apply Tint to Taillights

Footstep 4: Alight and Apply Taillight Tint

Having sprayed the low-cal with awarding fluid, apply the moisture, adhesive side of the moving picture to the lens.

Reposition the motion picture to align it to the edges. Y'all may use the application tabs if they are available on your kit.

Not all kits are designed with these tabs.

Notation: The film may appear to be "short" or "too large" at this phase of the installation. This is because the film has not been heated and stretched nonetheless or trimmed.

Spray and Lubricate Taillight Tint Covers

Footstep 5: Spray Smoked Tail Lite Tint

Spray the outside of the film with Rapid Tac of the soap and water solution once more. This will reduce scratching. Spray the area once once again to allow repositioning.

Squeegee Taillight Tints

Pace 6: Squeegee on Taillight Tint Covers

For flatter areas, apply pressure to one stop of the motion picture and then that it begins to adhere to one end of the surface area. Using a squeegee, printing down and squeegee the film with smooth sweeping motions. If this is being done properly, y'all will see the water exit from underneath the film. Practice this beyond the rest of the area.

If large bubbles are present, peel up the movie to that area and employ once again. Rtint vinyl picture show is very forgiving when both the area and the adhesive side of the movie is wet. Keeping the moving picture wet allows y'all to pull and reapply numerous times if not satisfied with results prior to heating the moving picture.

For taillight tint kits with slits spray the exterior of the flick with solution again. This volition reduce scratching. Spray the light over again. Go on as higher up being sure to liberally apply the solution to both sides of the film. When the picture show is stretched into position one of the sections or flaps of the moving picture volition naturally fall over the other. Lightly polish the flap down until flat. Using a razor gently score away the overlapping moving-picture show until you tin easily pull the excess motion picture away.

For lights with big curves (the about common lights on the marketplace today), spray the outside of the film with solution over again. This will reduce scratching. Spray the calorie-free in one case again. Utilize force per unit area to the centre of the pic on the light with a squeegee then that it begins to adhere to one cease of the light. It may be easier to take a partner help you by holding the film as you brainstorm the adjacent step. Gently begin to estrus the film on one terminate from the center with a pilus dryer or heat gun on a low setting. Accept your time in heating the film, you exercise non want to melt the pic.

Use the remainder of the moving picture by moving in a spiral or round move working outwards towards the border of the low-cal. Go on the film "warm" by continually heating it will allow it to stretch upwards to ii% to five% and adjust. This is the just way you can apply tint to a curved light unless the kit has slits which are intended to be overlapped and cut-away.

Heat Your Taillight Tints

Step 7: Rut the Tail Lite Tint

Using a estrus gun estrus the tint to aid in shrinking and curing the pic.

Clean Taillights

Step 8: Trim Away Backlog Taillight Tint Film

Remove excess vinyl which may hang over the edges.

Pop Remaining Bubbles

Step 9: Allow to Taillight Covers to Cure & Pop Whatever Bubbles

Allow film dry for a minimum of thirty minutes and advisedly wipe off any excess solution. If all moisture has non been properly removed from nether the film some fogginess may occur. This is completely normal. Picture is breathable and porous – cloudiness/fog will evaporate with a few days to a few weeks. Depending on flick thickness and sunlight/oestrus exposure. Any surface texture, scratches, or ripples will also disappear during this curing procedure.

Note: Adhesion may be hard in cold weather, humid areas or if the surface has non been properly cleaned prior to application.

Subsequently 24 hours, if at that place are any small bubbles you may proceed to pop them with a sharp needle. Pop them and and so use a squeegee to press out air or fluid. Do NOT spray any more application fluid at this betoken.

Smoked Taillights Step10: Tint Consummate

One time you lot've popped any remaining bubbles, you're done. Use Rapid Articulate to smoothen your taillight tints and exist sure not to accept your ride through an automated wash nor utilize power washers.

Other Product How To Instructions

  • Headlight Tint
  • Tail Lite Tint
  • Fog Calorie-free Tint
  • Vinyl Wraps
  • Dash Kits
  • Bicycle Bands
  • Precut Window Tints
  • Windshield Visor Tint
  • Resources